Web Development Case Studies
Source Referral
Project: Source Referral Affiliate Marketing Platform
Client Overview: Our Client is a very successful magazine publisher for over 28 years. They came to us to build a software that offered a digital platform for hundreds of their advertisers.
Opportunity: Our team developed a robust marketing platform that allows the user to search for categories of businesses such as restaurants, Health and wellness, home improvement and real estate and financial advertisers, that allows the user to refer their businesses and present offers to the site users, that allows them to share offers through testing, Facebook twitter and personalized emails. In addition, we worked with a 3rd party API to show the Users exactly how many referrals their customers were receiving real time with a “Referral Meter.” Also calculating a payout commission for each referral and robust reporting for their advertisers.
Solution and Results: The Client Launched the site with a few dozen Beta Clients to test their platform. Within less than a year the platform hosts hundreds of clients receiving thousands of referrals and offers. In addition they have grown their affiliate marketing base 100 fold with promotions and incentives to sign up to refer business to Source Referral.
Honey's Skin Care
Project: Honey’s Skin Care Rebranding and Wix Ecommerce Website
Client Overview: Our Client was referred to us, as she was looking for a high end “Gorgeous “website that not only presented their skin care lines, but truly relaxing and uniquely 1 of kind pampering services from facials to waxing and high sought after acne management, anti-aging, hyperpigmentation, and more. With a limited budget and a tight deadline, the Luminous team got right to work.
Opportunity: We designed a beautiful site, which featured over 45 products, and worked with the client’s staff to create a well branded aesthetic that showcased the experience and warm inviting feel of her studio. In addition, we set up the storefront shipping payment processing and even pulled in a live video and Instagram feed in which people considering their services could experience treatments virtually prior to booking.
Solution and Results: The result was immediate bookings increased by over 200% in just the first 45 days, and they were able to bring in several new product lines to sell to consumers across the US who wanted to continue their regimen in home.
Multiverse Cards and Games
Project: Multiverse Cards and Games WordPress Woo Commerce Website
Client Overview: Our Client is very successful with 3rd party sites for online sales, and various online stores with Paypal and Ebay. He wanted a direct site in which he could deliver product, showcase specific events and releases and keep his clientele informed on all of the exciting products that very loyal gamers were seeking in a regional area, to buy instore and online.
Opportunity: We designed a very forward and informative Store that featured over 50 products, which were rarely available from local and national competitive gaming stores. We built a calendar of events and blog space where his customers can comment trade and share reviews of events the store sponsored.
Solution and Results: The Solutions we recommended was to pull the products into Google Shopping platforms to immediately boost the online sales and collaborated with the client to capture target release dates and get his site front and center in search to achieve immediate sales. The results were that the client immediately saw sold out status on 10 of the most sought-after products in 2 out of the 3 lines of cards we promoted and continues to see increase in clicks, conversions, and sales.
Alfonso's of Hollywood
Project: Alfonso’s of Hollywood WordPress Woo Commerce Website
Client Overview: Our client struggled with two prior companies over a span of 7 years to design and develop a site that truly emulated the rich history and style of hos luxurious fine hand-crafted leather Goods. In 2021 he came to our team with a product list of over 150 items, and many testimonials and product reviews and a vision. We listened and through a period of just 5 months delivered the site of his dreams.
Opportunity: We designed an elegant presentation with Sliders, product how to and how products are hand crafted videos. Our design and development team collaborated closely with the client to capture vintage celebrity videos that told a captivating story of the History of Alfonso over a span of 60 years. We presented products that were not only one of a kind but showed each detail of the fine workmanship that he had quote shared with family and clients to receive high praise.
Solution and Results: The site delivered over 250 form fills for customers looking to receive custom item quotations, and immediate sales for products ranging from 1,500 to 20,000 online.